[2021/11/07 05:15:00]
Flight IATA:CT0001
Pilot Number:041
Company ICAO:CAT
Aircraft Type:L101/E
Aircraft Registration:500
Departing Airport: LEGE
Destination Airport: LEVC
Alternate Airport:LEBL
Online: VATSIM
Flight Level:FL270
No Slew and time accel
No pause
Crash detect
Detect pilot in Cockpit between each 30 and 45 minutes
05:15 Zero fuel Weight: 323572 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 89475 Lbs
05:23 Parking Brakes off
05:28 Take-off
05:28 Take off Weight: 411246 Lbs
05:28 Wind: 320� @ 004 Knots Heading: 013�
05:28 POS N41� 54� 31�� E002� 45� 48��
05:28 Gear Up: 207 Knots
05:28 Flaps:2 at 207 Knots
05:29 Flaps:1 at 286 Knots
05:29 Flaps:0 at 284 Knots
05:35 TOC
05:35 Fuel Weight: 83210 Lb
05:43 Wind:051�@060 Knots Heading: 213� Ground Speed: 497 Knots Altitude 27020 ft
05:51 TOD
05:51 Fuel Weight: 80226 Lb
05:58 Wind:038�@027 Knots Heading: 227� Ground Speed: 384 Knots Altitude 13116 ft
06:10 Flaps:1 at 214 Knots
06:10 Flaps:2 at 208 Knots
06:11 Flaps:3 at 202 Knots
06:12 Gear Down: 203 Knots
06:13 Wind:313�@013 Knots Heading: 297� Ground Speed: 196 Knots Altitude 3490 ft
06:13 Flaps:4 at 200 Knots
06:13 Flaps:5 at 191 Knots
06:13 Flaps:6 at 183 Knots
06:13 Flaps:7 at 176 Knots
06:17 TouchDown:Rate -80 ft/min Speed: 144 Knots
06:17 Land
06:17 Wind:280�@007 Knots
06:17 Heading: 297�
06:17 Flight Duration: 00:49
06:17 Landing Weight: 400423 Lbs
06:17 POS N39� 29� 24�� W000� 29� 01��
06:17 Parking brakes on
06:17 Block to Block Duration: 00:54
06:17 Final Fuel: 76856 Lbls
06:17 Spent Fuel: 12619 Lbls
06:17 Flight Length: 314 NM
06:17 TOD Land Length: 131 NM

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