[2016/07/04 05:46:00]
Flight IATA:CT2112
Pilot Number:041
Company ICAO:CAT
Aircraft Type:F28/A
Departing Airport: LEVC
Destination Airport: LEZL
Alternate Airport:LEMD
Online: VATSIM
Flight Level:FL230
No Slew and time accel
No pause
Crash detect
Detect pilot in Cockpit between each 30 and 45 minutes
05:46 Zero fuel Weight: 57506 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 11424 Lbs
05:50 Parking Brakes off
05:54 Take-off
05:54 Take off Weight: 68567 Lbs
05:54 Wind: 073º @ 001 Knots Heading: 115º
05:54 POS N39º 28´ 58´´ W000º 27´ 52´´
05:54 Gear Up: 176 Knots
05:54 Flaps:1 at 177 Knots
05:54 Flaps:0 at 185 Knots
06:08 TOC
06:08 Fuel Weight: 9353 Lb
06:09 Wind:270º@023 Knots Heading: 234º Ground Speed: 352 Knots Altitude 23248 ft
06:24 Wind:227º@012 Knots Heading: 226º Ground Speed: 370 Knots Altitude 23047 ft
06:34 TOD
06:34 Fuel Weight: 7445 Lb
06:39 Wind:002º@006 Knots Heading: 272º Ground Speed: 306 Knots Altitude 15472 ft
06:51 Flaps:1 at 215 Knots
06:54 Wind:058º@003 Knots Heading: 272º Ground Speed: 194 Knots Altitude 2952 ft
06:55 Flaps:2 at 189 Knots
06:55 Flaps:3 at 172 Knots
06:55 Gear Down: 161 Knots
06:55 Flaps:4 at 160 Knots
06:56 Flaps:5 at 144 Knots
06:57 TouchDown:Rate -294 ft/min Speed: 108 Knots
06:57 Flaps:1 at 87 Knots
06:57 Flaps:0 at 85 Knots
06:58 Land
06:58 Wind:055º@007 Knots
06:58 Heading: 089º
06:58 Flight Duration: 01:04
06:58 Landing Weight: 64066 Lbs
06:58 POS N37º 25´ 04´´ W005º 54´ 10´´
06:59 Parking brakes on
06:59 Block to Block Duration: 01:09
06:59 Final Fuel: 6474 Lbls
06:59 Spent Fuel: 4949 Lbls
06:59 Flight Length: 328 NM
06:59 TOD Land Length: 99 NM

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