[2016/04/28 08:43:00]
Flight IATA:CT0001
Pilot Number:011
Company ICAO:CAT
Aircraft Type:F50/A
Aircraft Registration:DREAMWINGS
Departing Airport: LEBL
Destination Airport: LEAL
Alternate Airport:LEPA
Online: VATSIM
Flight Level:F210
No Slew and time accel
No pause
Crash detect
Detect pilot in Cockpit between each 30 and 45 minutes
08:43 Zero fuel Weight: 42043 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 2905 Lbs
08:47 Parking Brakes off
09:00 Take-off
09:00 Take off Weight: 44834 Lbs
09:00 Wind: 072º @ 012 Knots Heading: 062º
09:00 POS N41º 17´ 05´´ E002º 04´ 54´´
09:00 Flaps:3 at 128 Knots
09:00 Gear Up: 128 Knots
09:02 Flaps:2 at 179 Knots
09:03 Flaps:3 at 171 Knots
09:03 Flaps:2 at 169 Knots
09:03 Flaps:1 at 168 Knots
09:03 Flaps:0 at 169 Knots
09:15 Wind:095º@011 Knots Heading: 237º Ground Speed: 272 Knots Altitude 20072 ft
09:15 TOC
09:15 Fuel Weight: 2293 Lb
09:30 Wind:073º@011 Knots Heading: 221º Ground Speed: 292 Knots Altitude 20977 ft
09:41 TOD
09:41 Fuel Weight: 1592 Lb
09:45 Wind:088º@021 Knots Heading: 194º Ground Speed: 230 Knots Altitude 15606 ft
09:55 Flaps:1 at 170 Knots
09:55 Flaps:2 at 159 Knots
09:55 Flaps:3 at 146 Knots
09:55 Flaps:4 at 128 Knots
09:55 Gear Down: 127 Knots
09:57 Flaps:5 at 121 Knots
09:58 Flaps:6 at 111 Knots
10:13 TouchDown:Rate -269 ft/min Speed: 98 Knots
10:13 Land
10:13 Wind:029º@008 Knots
10:13 Heading: 097º
10:13 Flight Duration: 01:13
10:13 Landing Weight: 43234 Lbs
10:13 POS N38º 16´ 56´´ W000º 33´ 39´´
10:13 Parking brakes on
10:13 Block to Block Duration: 01:26
10:13 Final Fuel: 1186 Lbls
10:13 Spent Fuel: 1719 Lbls
10:13 Flight Length: 246 NM
10:13 TOD Land Length: 61 NM

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