[2015/10/14 16:31:00]
Flight IATA:CT3108
Pilot Number:012
Company ICAO:CAT
Aircraft Type:MD11/E
Aircraft Registration:CARGO
Departing Airport: LIEA
Destination Airport: LEZG
Alternate Airport:LEBL
Online: VATSIM
Flight Level:F330
No Slew and time accel
No pause
Crash detect
Detect pilot in Cockpit between each 30 and 45 minutes
16:31 Zero fuel Weight: 402022 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 46508 Lbs
16:31 Parking Brakes off
16:35 Take-off
16:35 Take off Weight: 447433 Lbs
16:35 Wind: 300º @ 004 Knots Heading: 204º
16:35 POS N40º 37´ 40´´ E008º 17´ 17´´
16:35 Gear Up: 202 Knots
16:35 Flaps:3 at 202 Knots
16:39 Flaps:2 at 221 Knots
16:40 Flaps:3 at 223 Knots
16:40 Flaps:1 at 224 Knots
16:40 Flaps:2 at 225 Knots
16:40 Flaps:1 at 226 Knots
16:40 Flaps:0 at 232 Knots
16:49 TOC
16:49 Fuel Weight: 35932 Lb
16:50 Wind:241º@039 Knots Heading: 270º Ground Speed: 449 Knots Altitude 32808 ft
17:05 Wind:296º@029 Knots Heading: 279º Ground Speed: 454 Knots Altitude 32910 ft
17:20 Wind:345º@044 Knots Heading: 293º Ground Speed: 458 Knots Altitude 32916 ft
17:24 TOD
17:24 Fuel Weight: 26684 Lb
17:35 Wind:351º@018 Knots Heading: 288º Ground Speed: 351 Knots Altitude 14101 ft
17:37 Flaps:1 at 272 Knots
17:39 Gear Down: 261 Knots
17:40 Flaps:2 at 237 Knots
17:40 Flaps:3 at 237 Knots
17:40 Flaps:4 at 242 Knots
17:40 Flaps:3 at 241 Knots
17:40 Flaps:4 at 240 Knots
17:41 Flaps:5 at 222 Knots
17:41 Flaps:6 at 215 Knots
17:41 Flaps:7 at 206 Knots
17:41 Flaps:6 at 204 Knots
17:41 Flaps:7 at 191 Knots
17:43 Flaps:6 at 190 Knots
17:43 Flaps:7 at 189 Knots
17:43 Flaps:6 at 190 Knots
17:43 Flaps:7 at 188 Knots
17:43 Flaps:6 at 192 Knots
17:44 Flaps:7 at 189 Knots
17:44 Flaps:6 at 190 Knots
17:44 Flaps:7 at 187 Knots
17:45 TouchDown:Rate -116 ft/min Speed: 163 Knots
17:45 Land
17:45 Wind:310º@025 Knots
17:45 Heading: 301º
17:45 Flight Duration: 01:10
17:45 Landing Weight: 425598 Lbs
17:45 POS N41º 39´ 40´´ W001º 01´ 18´´
17:48 Parking brakes on
17:48 Block to Block Duration: 01:17
17:48 Final Fuel: 23141 Lbls
17:48 Spent Fuel: 23366 Lbls
17:48 Flight Length: 466 NM
17:48 TOD Land Length: 113 NM

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