[2015/09/19 17:08:00]
Flight IATA:CT1053
Pilot Number:026
Company ICAO:CAT
Aircraft Type:F50/A
Aircraft Registration:PAOB
Departing Airport: LICG
Destination Airport: LICD
Alternate Airport:LICG
Online: VATSIM
Flight Level:F110
No Slew and time accel
No pause
Crash detect
Detect pilot in Cockpit between each 30 and 45 minutes
17:08 Zero fuel Weight: 39182 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 2500 Lbs
17:12 Parking Brakes off
17:16 Take-off
17:16 Take off Weight: 41599 Lbs
17:16 Wind: 317º @ 000 Knots Heading: 206º
17:16 POS N36º 48´ 27´´ E011º 57´ 47´´
17:16 Gear Up: 113 Knots
17:16 Flaps:3 at 113 Knots
17:17 Flaps:2 at 129 Knots
17:17 Flaps:1 at 141 Knots
17:19 Flaps:0 at 178 Knots
17:20 Gear Down: 196 Knots
17:20 Gear Up: 196 Knots
17:24 TOC
17:24 Fuel Weight: 2039 Lb
17:31 Wind:270º@008 Knots Heading: 162ºGround Speed: 256 Knots Altitude 11181 ft
17:34 TOD
17:34 Fuel Weight: 1697 Lb
17:42 Flaps:1 at 146 Knots
17:43 Gear Down: 138 Knots
17:43 Flaps:2 at 128 Knots
17:44 Flaps:3 at 114 Knots
17:45 Flaps:4 at 110 Knots
17:45 Flaps:5 at 108 Knots
17:45 Flaps:6 at 97 Knots
17:46 Wind:259º@005 Knots Heading: 260º Ground Speed: 092 Knots Altitude 144 ft
17:46 TouchDown:Rate -239 ft/min Speed: 85 Knots
17:46 Land
17:46 Wind:259º@005 Knots
17:46 Heading: 257º
17:46 Flight Duration: 00:30
17:46 Landing Weight: 40724 Lbs
17:46 POS N35º 29´ 47´´ E012º 36´ 42´´
17:50 Parking brakes on
17:50 Block to Block Duration: 00:38
17:50 Final Fuel: 1503 Lbls
17:50 Spent Fuel: 996 Lbls
17:50 Flight Length: 108 NM
17:50 TOD Land Length: 37 NM

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