[2013/08/24 09:31:00]
Flight IATA:CT3416
Pilot Number:012
Company ICAO:CAT
Aircraft Type:A320/E
Departing Airport: LEBL
Destination Airport: LATI
Alternate Airport:LGTS
Online: VATSIM
Flight Level:F370
No Slew and time accel
No pause
Crash detect
Detect pilot in Cockpit between each 30 and 45 minutes
09:31 Zero fuel Weight: 143850 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 22200 Lbs
09:31 VATSIM:

404 Not Found

Not Found

The requested URL /metar.php was not found on this server.

09:31 VATSIM:

404 Not Found

Not Found

The requested URL /metar.php was not found on this server.

09:31 Parking Brakes off
09:37 Take-off
09:37 Take off Weight: 165155 Lbs
09:37 Wind: 098º @ 005 Knots Heading: 244º
09:37 POS N41º 16´ 59´´ E002º 04´ 37´´
09:37 Flaps:3 at 165 Knots
09:37 Gear Up: 168 Knots
09:37 Flaps:2 at 182 Knots
09:37 Flaps:1 at 199 Knots
09:38 Flaps:0 at 212 Knots
09:52 Wind:277º@038 Knots Heading: 099º Ground Speed: 489 Knots Altitude 27076 ft
10:07 Wind:318º@031 Knots Heading: 095º Ground Speed: 478 Knots Altitude 36030 ft
10:13 TOC
10:13 Fuel Weight: 14842 Lb
10:22 Wind:342º@032 Knots Heading: 080º Ground Speed: 459 Knots Altitude 37037 ft
10:37 Wind:340º@030 Knots Heading: 082º Ground Speed: 461 Knots Altitude 37027 ft
10:52 Wind:346º@027 Knots Heading: 104º Ground Speed: 469 Knots Altitude 37057 ft
11:07 Wind:310º@024 Knots Heading: 087º Ground Speed: 473 Knots Altitude 37020 ft
11:15 TOD
11:15 Fuel Weight: 9047 Lb
11:22 Wind:259º@020 Knots Heading: 059º Ground Speed: 415 Knots Altitude 18966 ft
11:31 Flaps:1 at 227 Knots
11:32 Flaps:3 at 214 Knots
11:34 Flaps:4 at 137 Knots
11:35 Gear Down: 138 Knots
11:35 Flaps:5 at 137 Knots
11:37 Wind:330º@004 Knots Heading: 158º Ground Speed: 148 Knots Altitude 2598 ft
11:40 TouchDown:Rate -235 ft/min Speed: 127 Knots
11:40 VATSIM:

404 Not Found

Not Found

The requested URL /metar.php was not found on this server.

11:40 Land
11:40 Wind:326º@004 Knots
11:40 Heading: 168º
11:40 Flight Duration: 02:03
11:40 Landing Weight: 150892 Lbs
11:40 POS N41º 24´ 49´´ E019º 43´ 14´´
11:43 Parking brakes on
11:43 Block to Block Duration: 02:12
11:43 Final Fuel: 6706 Lbls
11:43 Spent Fuel: 15493 Lbls
11:43 Flight Length: 866 NM
11:43 TOD Land Length: 126 NM

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