[2011/01/08 22:47:00]
Flight IATA:CT1004
Pilot Number:026
Company ICAO:CAT
Aircraft Type:DC85/A
Departing Airport: LIEA
Destination Airport: LOWI
Alternate Airport:LSZH
Online: VATSIM
Flight Level:F320
No Slew and time accel
No pause
Crash detect
Detect pilot in Cockpit between each 30 and 45 minutes
22:47 Zero fuel Weight: 185720 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 31481 Lbs
22:47 VATSIM:LIEA 082220Z 21008KT 9999 SCT010 13/13 Q1022
22:47 VATSIM:LOWI 082150Z 27011KT 9999 FEW065 SCT250 01/00 Q1017 R08/19//57 NOSIG
22:55 Parking Brakes off
23:02 Take-off
23:02 Take off Weight: 209668 Lbs
23:02 Wind: 200º @ 009 Knots Heading: 204º
23:02 POS N40º 37´ 27´´ E008º 17´ 10´´
23:02 Flaps:3 at 169 Knots
23:02 Gear Up: 170 Knots
23:03 Flaps:2 at 163 Knots
23:03 Flaps:1 at 176 Knots
23:05 Flaps:0 at 186 Knots
23:17 Wind:206º@000 Knots Heading: 068º Ground Speed: 421 Knots Altitude 27549 ft
23:21 TOC
23:21 Fuel Weight: 24501 Lb
23:32 Wind:136º@028 Knots Heading: 020º Ground Speed: 488 Knots Altitude 32273 ft
23:47 Wind:080º@004 Knots Heading: 353º Ground Speed: 468 Knots Altitude 32290 ft
00:02 Wind:206º@007 Knots Heading: 352º Ground Speed: 469 Knots Altitude 32204 ft
00:02 TOD
00:02 Fuel Weight: 14558 Lb
00:17 Wind:278º@019 Knots Heading: 060º Ground Speed: 354 Knots Altitude 10078 ft
00:23 Flaps:1 at 156 Knots
00:27 Flaps:2 at 157 Knots
00:29 Gear Down: 185 Knots
00:32 Wind:269º@011 Knots Heading: 256º Ground Speed: 139 Knots Altitude 4872 ft
00:33 Flaps:3 at 151 Knots
00:33 Flaps:4 at 149 Knots
00:34 Flaps:5 at 142 Knots
00:35 TouchDown:Rate -132 ft/min Speed: 125 Knots
00:35 VATSIM:LOWI 082350Z AUTO 28009KT 9999 NCD 01/00 Q1017 R88///////
00:35 Land
00:35 Wind:269º@011 Knots
00:35 Heading: 262º
00:35 Flight Duration: 01:33
00:35 Landing Weight: 190090 Lbs
00:35 POS N47º 15´ 35´´ E011º 20´ 27´´
00:41 Parking brakes on
00:41 Block to Block Duration: 01:46
00:41 Final Fuel: 10165 Lbls
00:41 Spent Fuel: 21316 Lbls
00:41 Flight Length: 593 NM
00:41 TOD Land Length: 159 NM

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